Sunday 22 January 2012

You~! Forever Mine~!

Life is not easy, perfect or how we want it to be. But I chose to be happy and grateful no matter how it turns out to be.
Too tired to hold on, too in love to let go. ('=


Where Is The Old You ??

I miss you, but I'm trying not to care. I love you, but I'm trying not to show. I want you, but what can I do when you are not even mine?:')

Falling For You~!


Saturday 21 January 2012


HELLO~~ ^_^ da lame punye lame punye lame! x update blog.. ish .. mcm da bosan laa plak ;) 
niey nk citer nieyy.. tdy mse kul 3.00 aku kluar ngan membe nme eka.. kuar nk gy cc then hujan haaa.....dui! blik tu  hujan lebat gile! punye gile!!! then aku cabut cpt nk blik umh then tggl si eka swoh lari hahahha sian kan .. aku ngan dye da basah gile! best tw mandi hujan ... then after mandi hujan .. aku gy umh eka.. sje je nk visit.. n bnyk laa brg aku terTINGGAL kt umh dye ... hehehe~~ aku makan je keje kt umh eka.. mkn chocolate laa ape laa la la la ~~~  huhuhu~~ 
tgk laa gmbr kt bwh mcm owg gile seyyhh hahahah ~~ <3 
 nieyy muke tgk penat main hujan... n melari kan diri dri air LOLX hahah ~~

 SUPERMAN !!!!!!


 tglk tu aq pandai maen skateboard tw ..jelez x? lol jkjkjk berat tu skateboard tu.. sakit aty asyik2 jatuh je aq lol malu *tutup muke* 
 muke mmg mcm nk sepak je kan hahah lol try laa klu anda berani cube lah =P


i miss u~~! i miss u~~! HAKIM .. aq rindu abg aq.. dye da pindahh KL tinggal kan aq ngan family aq.. now umh aq sunyi ... so sad :') so sabar je laa nk buat cm ner... but i really miss him like hell man! xde owg nk backup aq bile kakak aq membebel .. xde owg nk ejek aq buli aq .. n sebagai nye.. mase dye nk pindah tgh packing la!.. dye bgy bju kolh dye n sema bju dye yg dye x nk... aq amik je laa.. abg aq nieyy baek cume perangai cm shit sikit laa... dye je swoh laki dlm family aq.. mesty dye sunyi n xde adek laki.. kesian kw kim... nieyy muke aq x leh bla pakai bju kolh kaw LOL  n_n

 hahaha~~! baju renyuk! xpe still ade lambang kolh kt citu.. tgk laa sendiri... comel kan kan kan i nieyy lol perasan heeh~~ <3_<3

OK BYE!!!!